MicroScan Tool Box - Overview of Programs


The MicroScan Tool Box has two main programs:

1/ MicroScan Tool Box - This is the program that runs with MicroScan and does all of the hard work.


The MicroScan Tool Box program must be set to automatically run when MicroScan starts.

To do this please refer to the "Getting Started Section" on Auto Run.


2/ MicroScan Tool Box Setup - This program is only run when you need to alter a setup parameter. When not in use it is usually closed.

MainSetupFrm.gif (6872 bytes)

To run the MicroScan Tool Box Setup program either select the "Edit \ Setup" menu from the MicroScan Tool Box program or select the shortcut provided in the "MicroScan Software" group box.

3/ MicroScan Tool Box Audit Viewer - This program can be run from the MicroScan ToolBox Setup program by selecting the menu Help/View Audit Log.

AuditViewer.gif (5420 bytes)

For user events to be saved in the Audit files, the 'Audit Changes' property must be set to 'Yes'. This is found under Program Options.

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