MicroScan Tool Box - Setup Form


The MicroScan Tool Box Setup form:

MainSetupFrm.gif (5998 bytes)

The Setup form has the following main buttons:

  1. Tasks - Displays the Task/Item Setup forms for Tasks that will be loaded by the MicroScan Tool Box. Refer to Tasks.
  2. Templates - Displays the Task/Item Setup form for Templates. Refer to Templates.
  3. Program Options - Displays the Program Options form. Refer to Program Options.
  4. Passwords - Displays the Password Setup form. Refer to Protection with Passwords.
  5. Lists - Displays the MicroScan ToolBox List Setup.

The Setup form also has the following menu options:

  1. File, Exit - Closes the MicroScan Tool Box Setup form.
  2. Edit, Password - Shows a form into which a password can be entered. Refer to Protection with Passwords.
  3. Help, Help - Shows this help file.
  4. Help, View Audit Log - Loads the Audit Viewer program.
  5. Help, About - Shows the About Dialog Box for the MicroScan Setup program.


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