Step Control Example

Run Options

This section on Run Options for the Step Control expands on the Simple Step Control example. If you have not completed this example then we recommend that you do complete it before continuing.

The Run signal for a Step Control can be set up in 4 different ways.

 Field Switch OR Mimic Button with Manual Reset. Digital ON/OFF switch via a single digital MicroScan Input Tag. This option uses a single digital input either from a field switch or from a Mimic button.


 Mimic Button with Auto Reset. This option uses both a digital input and a digital output to reset the signal and is designed for use with the Mimic. Generally an Input Tag and an Output Tag are setup to the same bit in the Image Interface. To start the Step Control, a button on the Mimic turns the bit ON. When the Step Control is finished the Step Master turns the bit OFF. To stop the Step Control before it has finished, the button on the Mimic is used to turn the bit OFF. To demonstrate this we will use the original Simple Step Control example. If you have modified the example then you could load the Template of it as a new TASK (remember to enable it).


 Field Push Button with Auto Reset (via Digital Pulse Count). This Run signal is typically used with a device connected to the MicroScan Interface. The devices; IN2100-A16, IN2100-D and IN2100-A4 all support "Pulse Counting" on their digital inputs. Pulse Counting means that if a button is wired into one of the digital inputs, then every time the button is pushed, a register in the device will be increased by 1. When the value of the register is greater than 16,383 then the register is reset to 0 and the counting starts over. If this feature is used in conjunction with the ITEM Math_Toggle, then a very effective ON / OFF control can be achieved via a single push button in the field that is no longer dependant on the scan rate of the software monitoring it. Again to demonstrate this we will use the original Simple Step Control example. If you have modified the example then you could load the Template of it as a new TASK (remember to enable it).

      1. Class Name = In_InputTag
      2. Name = Run Input
      3. Enabled = Yes
      4. Type = GetValue
      5. Input Tag = select the MicroScan Input tag that was setup for the Pulse Count.
      1. Class Name = Math_Toggle
      2. Name = Step Control ON/OFF
      3. Enabled = Yes
      4. Input Counter = Select the Run Input ITEM, ITEM1 which we have just set up.
      5. Off if change to 0 = Select the Step Control Master ITEM, this should be ITEM 13. This enables the Auto Reset.
      6. On PC Restart = Toggle Resume
      7. Input Change Bit = None
      8. Output Change Bit = None


 Field Push Button AND Mimic Button with Auto Reset. This Run option allows an operator to stop or start the Step Control from either a field wired push button or from a Mimic button. Generally a mimic button is set up as in 2. Above "Mimic Button with Auto Reset". The digital that is used by the Mimic button, for this option, is considered to be the Master Run Digital. The field push button is also configured, similar to 3. Above "Field Push Button with Auto Reset", but only insofar that it changes the state of the Master Run Digital whenever a change occurs. Please note that the value of the Math_Toggle is ignored in this configuration. To set up this configuration take the following steps:

      1. Class Name = In_InputTag
      2. Name = Field Run Input
      3. Enabled = Yes
      4. Type = GetValue
      5. Input Tag = select the MicroScan Input tag that was setup for the Pulse Count.
      1. Class Name = Math_Toggle
      2. Name = Step Control ON/OFF
      3. Enabled = Yes
      4. Input Counter = Select the Run Input ITEM, ITEM1 which we have just set up.
      5. Off if change to 0 = leave this blank.
      6. On PC Restart = Toggle Resume
      7. Input Change Bit = Select the new Input Tag which gets its Run signal from that digital reference in the Image Interface.
      8. Output Change Bit = Select the new Output Tag which sets the Run signal for the digital reference in the Image Interface.



  1. Where reference is made to a device that facilitates a "Pulse Count" function, please note that the same effect could be achieved by using a digital input with a simple switch. If a switch was to be used then the important thing to remember is that the CHANGE in state of the switch that is what is used. The switches actual position is ignored.


 Refer to Step Master

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