Recorder User Help
Log Overview

The Recorder Logs are a time stamped record of the Recorders activity.

You can show the logs by opening Log Home on the Navigation Tree and by clicking on the name of the log or by selecting the Log entries from various Recorder Locations.

To show a previous log file, click "Select Log", select the log to be displayed and click OK.
Click Current Log to return to the current log file.

The Log Tools are located on the Log View Button Bar. You can Select Logs, Comment Log entries, Print and Export Log data.
See Log Tools.

Log File Details:

Log Files are one month in length, they have a variable number of records.
Log Files as named mmm yyyy LOG.DBF.
mmm= Month Name (Jan, Feb, Mar etc)
yyyy=Year (2004,2005 etc).

The Log file is created when a new month starts, and a new record is written to the logs. If the log file already exists, the log file will be reopened and the new log entries will be written to the end of the current log file.

The Operating Log shows all records from the log file. The other log views show only those logs from the selected source.
For Example, Alarm Log shows only records that have "Alarm" as the Source.