Setup - Stations  

Find Stations

You can use Find Stations to locate the COM port that is connected to the stations on your computer.
You start Find Stations by clicking MicroScan Interface on the Setup Tools screen and click Find Stations.

Port Setup

You may need to set the MicroScan Port Mode according to the number of stations being used and the COM ports being used. The default mode is all stations on one serial port. You set the port mode, using MicroScan Interface on the Setup Tools screen.

Version 4 methods of supporting Stations

You can use the Program Address button on the Configure Pages and Lines screen to Add Stations as was done with Version 4.
You can use the Program Station button on the Configure Pages and Lines screen to Program Stations as was done with Version 4.

See Also

    Setup- Interfaces
    Configure Pages and Lines
    MicroScan Interface Settings
    Find Stations