Upgrade Version 4 MicroScan  

You can import a Version 4 Tools Backup or Version 4 Installation into version 5.

Software Registration and Version 4 Dongles

Both software registered (Lite 16, Lite 32, Version 4.1) and dongled version 4 software must be software registered again as a Version 5 install with your MicroScan supplier, as these previous unlocking methods and old dongles are not compatible with Version 5.

Import Previous Versions of MicroScan

Version 3.5 MicroScan (Before "SYSCON" Setup Manager was introduced) and below must be converted to Version 4 before being imported into Version 5. The version can be checked by looking for syscon.exe in the in2000 program folder. You may need to run the Version 4 Upgrade Wizard to convert the pre Version 3.5 setups to Version 4 setups. Please contact your supplier for assistance as some chargeable engineering help may be required.

Upgrading of previous versions of MicroScan, specifically those without tools backups and extracting setup files etc from older computers is not covered under the standard upgrade fee to Version 5 and may incur additional charges.

Supporting of Version 4 and below setups with Version 5

Version 5 has no support for producing backups for use with Version 4 and below. The program changes are not compatible with previous versions of MicroScan software, thus it is not possible to read a Version 5 backup into previous versions of MicroScan.

See Also

    Software Registration

    Using Version 5 and Version 4 on the same computer
    How to do a Version 4 Tools Backup

    MicroScan Setup First Run
    MicroScan Setup First Run - Import Existing V4 Install