Mimic Setup
Edit Menu

The Edit Menu allows you to access various edit selections within the mimic.

Menu Item Action See Also
Copy Copies the mimic screen to the clipboard  
Custom Colours Displays Custom Colours dialog for editing object colours Custom Colours
Custom Fonts Displays Custom Font dialog for editing object fonts Custom Fonts
Canned Messages Displays Canned Messages dialog for editing messages Canned Messages
Recipe Link Accesses Recipe Link Setup dialog Recipe Link
Recorder Overlay Accesses Recorder Overlay dialog Recorder Overlay
Set Bitmap Set Background bitmap for this mimic Set Bitmap
Set Mimic Name Set Mimic Title for this mimic Set Mimic Name
Edit Mimic Bitmap Edit Mimic Background Image for this mimic Edit Mimic Bitmap
Set Background Colour Set Background Colour for this mimic Set Background Colour
Control Options Sets Tag Control Options Control Options
Define Index Areas Sets up index areas for Omron PLC driver (no longer used)