Setup - First Time  

Module Selection (Optional)

Your software should be automatically setup according to the modules you have purchased. If not, you will be prompted by the Select Module Wizard on startup to select the modules to be used.

Interface Selection (Optional)

If your software is a Tag (TXX) or PLC package you will be prompted by the Select Interface Wizard on startup, to select the interfaces to be used.

Help Welcome Screen

After the Microscan program is loaded, the Help Welcome screen is displayed that allows you to load and read this training guide or start using the software.
This screen is visible for 20 seconds and can be turned off by clicking "Dont show this startup screen again" and click OK.

Registration Popup Screen

The Registration popup reminder screen will be visible at startup, it shows the time remaining before the trial expires.
Click Hide to hide the window, or Register Now to start the Registration Wizard.
This dialog appears again after 24 hours of operation, but after your software is registered it will not appear again.

Importing a Version 4 Job

If you wish to import a version 4 job, on the Set Job Name startup screen enter a dummy job name such as "temp", then when the software has started, use the Import V4 Tools Backup or Import V4 Installation links on the Setup Tools screen to load the Version 4 job.

Setting up a Network Passive From First Time Run

For a Network Passive, select "Network Passive Only" on the startup screen, click OK and then the Network Setup tool will be started ready for you to setup the passive. The Help Welcome Screen and Registration Popup Screen are not displayed on a network passive, if the passive has been setup in this way.

See Also

    Example Startup Screens

    Start MicroScan Version 5
    First Time Startup Screen
    Select Module Wizard
    Select Interface Wizard
    Setup - Interfaces

    Software Registration
    Register Software Wizard
    Register Software Reminder

    Upgrading Version 4 MicroScan