MicroScan Tool Box - Remote Editor

Main Form

Re_frmMain.gif (4840 bytes)

The MicroScan Tool Box Remote Editor program is designed to Auto Start with MicroScan and with the MicroScan Tool Box.

Only those Tasks that have "Remote_Value" Items in them will be displayed.

Main Functions

First select the Task which holds the Items you wish to work with, then click on one of the following buttons.

  1. Current Values - Displays the Current Values Form which allows the current values of the Remote_Value Items to be edited directly. It also provides access to the 'Recipe Setup' and the 'Select Recipe' buttons if required.
  2. Recipe Setup - Displays the Recipe Setup Form which allows for many Recipes to be created and maintained for the selected Task.
  3. Select Recipe - Displays the Select Recipe Form which enables an operator to select a Recipe and to load it into the MicroScan ToolBox.
  4. View Batch - Displays the View Batch Form which will display details of the Batch and also open the Batch store file in the MicroScan Recorder History program.

Note: The 'Setup Recipe' and 'Select Recipe' buttons if clicked will take you to the respective forms, however these buttons can be hidden by setting the "Hide Remote Editor Recipes" property to "Yes" in the MicroScan Tool Box Option's.

Main Form - Menu

  1. File - Exit: Closes the Tool Box Editor program.
  2. Setup - Password: Shows a dialog box into which the password can be entered.
  3. Setup - Set Master Setup File: Shows a dialog box which allows you to point to the MicroScan Tool Box Setup File. This may be on another computer.
  4. Help - Contents: Shows the Help file's main index page.
  5. Help - Current: Shows the Help file's page for the Editor's Main Form. Also by pressing the F1 key.
  6. View Audit Log: Shows the Audit Log.
  7. Help - About: Shows the programs About dialog box.


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