Recorder User Help
Line Display Detail
Display of Data

The graph data is saved at a fixed rate, and is used to draw the graph ranging in size from 1 Minute to 24 hours. Longer views of data can be seen using History Display or Batch Display. The most recent data is displayed on the right hand side of the graph and as time elapses, data moves to the left. The range of data visible is set according to the record rate (See Page Setup, Disk Store Rate). The graph�s time information is shown along the bottom of the graph.  The line graph is updated according to the x axis time scale of the graph. A 2 hour graph will move more quickly across the screen than a 24 hour graph. 

The recorder manages the display of trend data, even though it is stored in separate files, it appears to the user as one continuous trend of data.

Analogue Lines

Analogue inputs are displayed as a thin line which moves up and down the Y Axis with respect to the input level and clocks along the X Axis with respect to the preset time.

Digital Lines

Digital inputs remain at a fixed point on the Y Axis but vary up and down the Y Axis depending on the line number allocation. Digital line 1 appears at the top of the page and Digital line 10 appears midway down the page, or the lines may be consecutively displayed down the Line graph. Digital inputs are by default displayed as thick lines when they are healthy (state = 1) and thin lines when they are faulty (state = 0). This selection may be individually reversed for each line using the Line�s setup dialogs (See Line Setup, Digital Display, "Healthy State = Thin" setting).

Graph Scale

The Graph Scale is used to set the viewing range for the Y Axis. It is chosen to give the best display for the range that your lines are monitoring.
Your inputs may be set to -50 to +50, but you are only interested in -5 to 0 Deg C. Thus you would set the graph to show from -10 to +10 Deg C. You use Page Setup, Name & Scales to set the Top of graph and Bottom of graph while setting  up the Recorder, or use the Graph Scale dialog to change the scales whilst looking at the Trend Display.

Line Colours

Lines are assigned the following default colours, that can be changed in each line�s setup (See Line Setup, Display).

Line 1


Line 2


Line 3


Line 4


Line 5


Line 6

Light Blue

Line 7

Dark Red

Line 8

Dark Green

Line 9


Line 10



At any time a graph can be printed manually, which will exactly copy the contents of the graph on the screen to the printer. Lines on the graph are tagged with their numbers for identification and a key detailing the lines on the graph is printed under the graph. See Print Current Graph

Printing Options:

  • Print with Colour or Black and White lines.
  • Change Pen width to make lines more readable.
  • Print Grid on graph (turn on or off).
  • Adjust margins on graph print.
  • Change Line Graph print font.

These settings are all made using Recorders Print Settings dialog box. 
Change between Landscape and Portrait mode using the settings for your printer driver in Windows Printer Settings.

PV Bar Graph

The Present Value (PV) bar graph can be displayed giving instant graphical comparison of the lines current values. The bar graph is shown on the left hand side of the graph and is not available on Dual Scale graphs. See Page Setup, PV Bar Graph.

Dual Scale Display

Dual scale graphs can be viewed to display input signals of widely varying signal levels on the same graph. The Primary scale is shown on the right hand side, the Secondary scale on the left. Each input is assigned to either the Primary or Secondary scale. Lines from either scale can be selectively displayed using the Line Details dialog box. Dual Scale Graphs always use the same time scale along the X axis for Primary and Secondary scales.  The dual scale graph is setup in Page Setup, Name & Scales dialog box.

File Markers

File Markers, if they are enabled, are drawn as vertical lines in the selected colour on the graph. A vertical line drawn with small dashes indicates a store file rollover point. A vertical line drawn with long dashes indicates a time when the recorder was reloaded (closed and opened or computer rebooted). File markers are by default disabled when the Recorder starts, and can be turned on using the Display Options dialog box. A vertical dotted yellow line indicates the software has been offline while station programming operations have taken place. See Recorder Display Options, File Markers.

Background Colour

The Background colour of the Line Graph can be changed.  See Display Options, Line Graph Colour.

Clipboard Copy

Press Ctrl + X while viewing a Trend Display to copy the image of the graph to the clipboard. It can then be pasted into a document for a report using Microsoft Word or Excel.