Setup MicroScan
Page Setup: Name & Scales

The Name & Scales Category is used to set the Name, Operating Mode and Scales for a Page.


This is a twenty four character name to label the page. The Page Name appears on the Navigation Tree, Data screen and Line graphs and is printed on the Data log printout.

Operating Mode Setting

This selection details one of four modes that the page can be in:-



Stores History Data


Data for the lines of this page is not scanned and not stored to disk.



Data for the lines for this page is scanned for alarming and viewing but not stored to disk.


Monitor and Continuous Recording

Data for the lines is scanned as above and is unconditionally saved to disk


Monitor and Batch Recording

Data for the lines is scanned but is only saved to the disk when the Batch Mode is on. The Batch Mode allows storage of Data only when the particular process is running thus one store file is saved for each batch. (See "Batching Setup"). When the Batch Mode is selected, two additional categories will appear in the category list: "Batch Recording" and "Batch Print".

Yes - Only when Batch Running.

Data Screen Display Rate

This is the rate that the data will be read into the Data Screen on the Recorder's Window.

Four Options are possible; Fast, Medium, Slow or Custom which is a user specified time. The times for Fast, Medium and Slow are setup in Recorder Details, Advanced Settings. When the Custom option is chosen, an edit field will appear below the Data Screen Display Rate selection which is used to enter a time. The Data Screen Display Rate has no effect on the Disk Store Rate but it should be set to be faster that the Disk Store Rate setting for the page. 
If the recorder is set for fast scan on pages 1-10 on the Advanced Settings window, this options is not available and "Fast Scan" will be shown. A setting for Data Screen Display Rate cannot be made.

Primary Scale (Right of Graph)

The Primary scale settings apply to the scale on the Right Hand Side of the Line graph.

Top of Graph & Bottom of Graph

These are the Y Axis settings for the trend graph for the page, providing an upper limit and lower limit.  Any line data that exceeds these limits will not be drawn on the graph.  When the recorder is running the graph scale may be temporarily changed by using the Recorder's "Graph Scale" dialog box.

Note: the setting of the Top and Bottom of graph does not affect the scaling of the individual lines within the page.

PV Bar Graph

This option draws a bar graph to the right of the recorder's line graph with an arrow in it showing the current value of lines within the page. When this options is clicked, the Secondary scale is not visible on the Line Graph.


This is a six character description of the units for the page.  It is drawn at the top of the trend graph.

Dual Scale Graph : Secondary Scale (Right of Graph)

The Secondary scale settings apply to the scale on the Left Hand Side of the Line graph. The Secondary scale is used to separate lines on the page when they have different input ranges. For Example, on one graph we may want to look at lines with a temperature range of -15 to +15 Deg C and pressures with a range 0 to 2500 kpa. Then we would set the primary scale to -15 to +15, and the secondary scale to 0 to 2500.

Secondary Scale Enable

This option is clicked to display a Secondary scale on the Left hand side of the graph. When the Secondary scale is visible, the PV bargraph is not available for use.

Top of Graph & Bottom of Graph

These are the Y Axis settings for the trend graph for the page, providing an upper limit and lower limit.  Any line data that exceeds these limits will not be drawn on the graph.  When the recorder is running the graph scale may be temporarily changed by using the Recorder's "Graph Scale" dialog box.

Note: the setting of the Top and Bottom of graph does not affect the scaling of the individual lines within the page.


This is a six character description of the units for the page.  It is drawn at the top of the trend graph.

Scale Assignments

The Scale Assignments dialog box is used to choose which lines appear on the Primary or Secondary Scale. Click "Scale Assignments" to access the Scale Assignments dialog box.

See Scale Assignments.

Operating Mode Setting: Stop Mode

If the page is set to the Stop mode, the following Message Box will be displayed when the Page Dialog box is closed.

You can put the page in the Stop mode if you do not wish it to be scanned, and then return it to the desired mode at a later date when you wish to use it.

See Also

Name & Scales
Data Log Print
Auto Graph Print
Totaliser Rollover
Batch Recording
Batch Print

Line Display Example