Setup MicroScan
Line Setup: Type & Address

The Type & Address Category is used to set the label, type and address of a Line.


This is a text label that is used when identifying the Line within the recorders displays.

Input Type

The Input Type area determines where the source of the lines input comes from.

Click "Analogue" if the line is an Analogue Input
Click "Digital" if the line is a Digital Input.
Click "Pseudo Digital" if the line is a digital input (i.e relay) connected to an analogue input.
Click "Math Input" if the line is used to display a calculation from other lines in the Recorder.
Click "Tag Input" if the line is read from a Tag Input in the Tag Data Base.
Click "Counter Input" is the line is from a counter on a 2100-XX remote station.

Input Source Summary Table

Analogue Digital Psuedo Digital Math Input Tag Input Counter
Outstation/PLC Analogue Input OK
Outstation/PLC Digital Input OK
Outstation/PLC  Psuedo Digital In OK OK
Outstation Counter Input OK OK
Math Analogue OK OK
Math Digital OK OK
Tag Analogue OK OK
Tag Digital OK OK

Connecting a Line To an Outstation or PLC.

The Station Type field is used to determine whether to connect the line to a outstation or PLC Address. If the MicroScan  interface is installed, a list of MicroScan outstations and Shimaden controllers will be shown. If a PLC Interface is installed, it will be included in the list.

Connect a line to Outstation Location
Connect a line to PLC Location
Connect a line to Tag

Note on Psuedo Digital Input:

This a analogue input that is being used to give a digital signal based on the value of its line.
If the lines value is above 512 a value 1, Healthy is given.
If the lines value is below 512 a value of 0, Faulty is given.

RTD Psuedo Digital

For a 2100-A16 Inputs 1-16, the RTD range 0-850 is used. This gives approx -10 when shorted and above 850 when open circuited.
The B-B terminals are shorted and the switch goes between A-BB as shown.

For a 2100-M multiplexer using on a 2100-A16, the value will be 4095 when switch open and 0 when switch shorted.

See Also

Type & Address
Input Scaling
Data Log Print
Alarm Setup
High Alarm
Low Alarm
Digital Display
Digital Alarm
Math Settings
Tag Scaling
Counter Scaling