Setup MicroScan
Line Setup: Digital Alarm

The Digital Alarm Category is used to setup the Alarm Settings for a Digital line.
For further information on Recorder Alarms, see Recorder Alarm Operation.

Delay Time (Seconds)

This is the time in seconds, that the input must be faulty (value=0) before the alarm is activated.

Enable Output

When selected, this allows the alarm relays setup to be turned on or off when the alarm is flagged.
Click "Alarm Outputs..." to setup the up to four relay outputs for this alarm.
See Line Alarm Outputs.

Enable Print

When set, a printout  occurs when the alarm is flagged. The output is set to the printer set by the printer output selection Printer 1 or Printer 2, See Line Setup, Alarm. The logging printer is set on Graphics & Logging Printers.

File Log

When set, the alarm messages are logged in a file which can be examined using the Alarm Log accessible from the log display on the Navigation Tree.

File Log needs to be on if the Alarm Log Comment mode is used, so that a comment entered when the alarm is cleared can be saved to the correct alarm entry in the alarm log.

Reset On Hour

If this is set and the alarm is still outside of limits on the hour the alarm will be reflagged and reprinted. This occurs the selected time interval after the alarm occurs. See Alarm Settings, Auto Reset Time.

Alarm State = 1 (Healthy)

When set the alarm state to be monitored will be 1, instead of 0.

Link Alarm

This feature enables the use of a digital input to inhibit the action of the alarms on this line. If the digital input specified by the Page and Line is Healthy (state = 1) the alarm will be enabled, if it is Faulty (state =  0) the alarm will not be enabled. When the Link input makes the transition from faulty to healthy, the alarm timers are reset to zero for the line, thus giving the input the "Delay Time" to return within limits before the alarm is flagged. To engage the link alarm, click the Enable checkbox on, and select the digital line to do the link control from the Link combo box.

When a lines alarm is disabled via a link, it will be drawn in yellow on the Recorders Data Screen.

See Alarm Operation, Link Alarm for more information.

Event Message

The Event Message is used to record a canned message when the alarm occurs rather than the recorders standard alarm message. The Event Messages are setup by clicking on the Edit Messages button.  To select an event message choose one from the Msg combo box. To cause the event message to appear in the Recorder's Event Window click "Save To Event Log" on.

Edit Messages

Click Edit Messages to edit the Event Messages, See Edit Event Messages.

See Also

Type & Address
Input Scaling
Data Log Print
Alarm Setup
High Alarm
Low Alarm
Digital Display
Digital Alarm
Math Settings
Tag Scaling
Counter Scaling