Recorder User Help
Alarm Operation - Miscellaneous

An alarm is saved to the Alarm Log if its File Log setting is turned on.
Other alarm events can be recorded such as delay start, link enables etc, See Alarm Settings, Log Options. These settings are saved permanently in the Alarm Log. The same data is shown in the Alarm Trace window, however this is a trace of the last 1000 alarm messages, and is not permanently saved.

The normal line alarm operates on the lines current value. If necessary, it is possible to operate the alarm on the lines average value. This is set by firstly enabling the averager for the page (See Page Setup, Averager) and then by clicking "Averager, Line Alarm" on the Lines Display Settings dialog box (See Line Setup, Display Settings). The alarm will work on the averaged value. 
Please note if a long time period is selected for the averager, the response by the alarm will also be slow.
An averaged line alarm will not become active until the average period has elapsed i.e if a 5 minute average has been selected, 5 minutes of data has to be gathered for the alarm to be monitored, if a 2 hour average has been selected, 2 hours of data has to be gathered before the alarm will be monitored. This is to allow valid data to be collected before checking the alarm.

The software is initially setup to update the outstation alarm relays on startup of the MicroScan program. This means that if any alarm relays on the outstation are already on at the time of software restart, they will be turned off, thus synchronizing them with the startup state of alarm relays in the Recorder. This setting is made in Alarm Settings, Update Alarm relays on MicroScan startup.

This is new to Version 5.

The software is setup to refresh the alarm relay states on the outstation at 5 minute intervals. This means that if an alarm occurs and for some reason power is lost to the outstation, the relay states will be re-written to the outstation to turn the relay back on at the next auto relay update. This setting is made in Alarm Settings, Auto Relay Update Period.

This is setting was available in Version 4 and the default setting was Off. In Version 5, the default setting is 5 Minutes.

See Data Screen Colours, to view how the various alarm states are shown on the Recorders Data Screen, and Line Details dialog box.

The Alarm Setup report can be printed by selecting "Alarm Setup Report" on the Recorders Print Menu.

The comms alarms causes an alarm to occur if the communications to a station are lost. See Line Alarm Setup, Comms Alarm.
This option cannot monitor station fail on a site with only one station. For it to be used, the station with the alarm relays on must be guaranteed to be powered up.

Comms Alarms are new to Version 5.

To make the alarm relays act as normally on, and go off when the alarm occurs or when the power fail happens on the station, this setting is made in the station setups. Go into the Program Station window, select the station and click the Program Station button. When the station settings are read in, click the Advanced button, and set the states for Relay 1, Relay 2 to Normally On. Click OK, Click Program to write the settings to the station.
The relay will be normally on, and turn off when the alarm occurs and is turned on again when the Alarm has been cleared.

The 2100-A16 has a comms fail alarm that can be assigned to operate Relay 2. Note when this is used the relay 2 cannot be used for any other purpose. The relay is normally on and turns off if no comms has been received to this station within the last five minutes, or if the power to the station is removed. This relay will not detect a station CPU or internal fault on the A16 though, as it requires the A16 CPU and software to be operating normally.

Alarm Trace The alarm trace records recent recorder alarm activity.
See Alarm Trace.
Alarm Detail The alarm detail shows current alarm enables and alarm states of  lines.
See Alarm Detail.
Line Status The Line Status dialog box gives detailed information for the alarms on a line.
See Line Status.
Alarm Setup Summary This window can be used to check your alarm settings are correct.
See Alarm Setup Summary.
Alarm Relay Summary Shows a cross reference of the Recorder Alarm Relays and what lines are tied to those relays.
See Alarm Relay Summary.
Alarm Monitor Shows general alarm status; lines that are counting and lines that have had alarms occurred.
See Alarm Monitor.
Testing Alarms Use the Recorders Alarm Test dialog box.
See Alarm Test.
Alarm Relay Status This window appears if the software cannot access the relay station(s).
See Alarm Relay Status.